Winners: SPC Photo Awards Geneva Oct 2023

Many thanks again to all the participants and our sponsors, that made a fantastic 9 days of photography in Geneva 🙂

You can find the exact ranking and our methodology at the end of the page.

Prize Winners

Jury Prize

GraphicArt gift voucher CHF 1500

Xavier Peillon : Fourmi des jardins

Public Vote: Most Voted

SPC Photo Trip Voucher worth CHF 1500

Lionel Egger : Netelas

Public Vote: 2nd most voted

Shimoda backpack + joby tripod

Jonas Hangartner : B3Y0ND

Public Vote: 3rd most voted

Mefoto Tripod + Lowepro backpack

Romain LANEYRIE : Fjord Mirror

Public Vote: Most voted small print

Haida Filter & Limecube LED Light

Jimmy Vernaz : Élégant équilibre

Results from Public Voting

Here are the results of the public voting: 

First choice: 3pts, Second choice: 2pts, Third choice: 1pt (*)

(*) Invalid votes have been counted out. 

RankingPhotographerPhoto TitlePoints
#1Lionel EggerNetelas162
#2Jonas HangartnerB3Y0ND118
#3Romain LANEYRIEFjord mirror106
#4Floriane VacherandCoucher de soleil sur Katuma66
#5Florian VaucherLavandes lumineuses65
#6Léa KieserRise58
#7Simona Di CesareLa mise en scene58
#8Xavier PeillonFourmi des jardins56
#9Ali KanssoJet d'Eau at Sunset47
#10Corinne Genier PorcelliIMG_919645
#11Philippe BermondUn regard42
#12Yann AndreyDon't Be afraid42
#13Julien PitteL'amour de la nature39
#14Hadrien DobbelaereOrage en terre Navajo38
#15Vincent GilliéronIMG_8040-Enhanced-NR-436
#16Laetitia MassonEn chute libre33
#17Nicolas OmbredaneTea's Serenity30
#18Francisco VillalpandoMorning light29
#19Céline Jaquet Dall'Aglio#1915neveragain27
#20Jimmy VernazÉlégant équilibre27
#21Thierry KrummenacherDSCF464327
#22David GråatikenIMG_596026
#23Elodie Stettler2B2A265226
#24Marie-Noelle GoodmanLooking at the moon25
#25Dupuy Benoitthe lift24
#26Côme DevauxDEVAUX - Stabilité23
#27Ewa BrykowskaA boy with a mink22
#28Marcos GarciaQui es-tu?22
#29Vaios PapaspyrosVPapaspyros122
#30Camille DumasDJI_0210-Avec accentuation-SR21
#31Guillaume HardyPointe noir21
#32Pierre-Charles FayolleHow Soon is Now21
#33Sam HankssDSC_3173-1-2crop21
#34Manuel Hartmann_F7A9250-Verbessert-RR 219
#35Alessandra RecchiaI keep signing regardless17
#36Aubry Schaefer451A311216
#37Franz WagnerRéflexion15
#38Fanny Mersmanncygne14
#39Wen Hung LinLa Paz14
#40Dario SCALA_DSC775713
#41Elyne BeaudeauDans tes yeux12
#42Floriane VacherandDans un regard12
#43Héloïse FourtIMG_791312
#44Issiah H SakhabuthPortrait of Orang Utang12
#45Vanessa VincentDSC0660112
#46Claude RomanatoPyramides de Gizé11
#47Jérôme FERRUSDSC_917511
#48Jody BernsVintage Memory (1)11
#49Vincenzo Sgambatol'équilibre11
#50Corinne Cutullic2F3A360010
#51Andrea Piccomidsummer_night_dinner9
#52Anne Oppliger7O1A06789
#53Federico FangiLungta9
#54Florian VaucherEvasion spatiale9
#55Céline Jaquet Dall'AglioMaestro @luc_baghdassarian8
#56Corinne Genier PorcelliIMG_94048
#57David GråatikenIMG_15758
#58Elena Foti10000300668
#59Elodie StettlerIMG_15138
#60Fanny Mersmannh8
#61Kilian ZucconiAccouplement de papillons8
#62Natacha De SantignacChalet Suisse8
#64Romain LANEYRIEBearded seal8
#65Simona Di CesareHier8
#66Vahé ChiraquianKing of the jungle8
#67Vincent GilliéronIMG_5587-48
#68Aurélie FionoukorAmarres7
#69Céline Jaquet Dall'AglioNote bleue ?7
#70Elena Foti10000300627
#71Elyne BeaudeauAnother love7
#72Gabriel BrändleA tale of two monkeys7
#73Laetitia LafranceLa Dernière Gondole7
#74Michel AffolterflyingDog7
#75Vincent GilliéronIMG_6091-27
#76Claudia De BenedettoL1078822 (3)6
#77Corinne Genier PorcelliIMG_94176
#78François Rozencoucher de soleil de la savane6
#79Jonas HangartnerF0CU56
#80Maria Stella LombardiHeron Portrait-26
#81Marie-Noelle GoodmanLe champ de colza6
#82Mathilde BonvinChâteau de Valère - Sion6
#83Mehdi FajrDSCF41606
#84Petra StordelÀ travers les âges6
#85Petra StordelL'air de rien6
#86Sandra Rodondi de GodoyIMG_05416
#87Stéphanie BarbettaThe ill kneels6
#88Syrine LEBRUN-DAMIENSLe jugement6
#89VisionMetis PhotoSF-1046
#90Volodymyr Nyzhnyk NyzhnykThe Brooklyn Bridge6
#91Yannic BucherSPC Competition_Yannic Bucher6
#92Beat Alois WiederkehrJunger Fuchs5
#93Camille DumasDSC03049-Avec accentuation-SR5
#94Dario SCALA_DSC77805
#95Elyne BeaudeauUn instant pour soi5
#96Fanny Mersmannkemari5
#97Federico FangiPrayers for all beings5
#98Lorena MorieroIMG_20230228_103641_6885
#99Nicolas OmbredaneThree Young Explorers5
#100Pierre-Charles FayolleWinter Delight5
#101Romain LANEYRIELilliehöökbreen5
#102Sara NebriVague à l'âme5


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